nice job, but for some reason it makes me mad, ur flash that is.
anyway, sumthing went wrong with my southpark game and now i am unable to finish it, so screw games movies here i come.
nice association intro. really liked it, seemed professional.
oh where is your eco bat anyways?
And also it's it kool if you call an internetwork meeting at 7:30 centeral time, on msn? thanks theres sumthing i have to ask yall. about VA in a flash i am in the prossess of making... reaply back on pm if you can.
Makes me rage too enzo, makes me rage too. :P
Aw crap. Well maybe your next movie/game will work out.
Thanks, took me a bit to come up with that :P
Also, PJ has the ecobat. I wasnt kidding :P
Dunno about the meeting, even being the 'Boss' I'm no good at commencing meetings on everyones busy schedules, such would hafta be preplanned waay ahead of time. I'll PM any plans later, if ya like.
nice job, but for some reason it makes me mad, ur flash that is.
anyway, sumthing went wrong with my southpark game and now i am unable to finish it, so screw games movies here i come.
nice association intro. really liked it, seemed professional.
oh where is your eco bat anyways?
And also it's it kool if you call an internetwork meeting at 7:30 centeral time, on msn? thanks theres sumthing i have to ask yall. about VA in a flash i am in the prossess of making... reaply back on pm if you can.
Makes me rage too enzo, makes me rage too. :P
Aw crap. Well maybe your next movie/game will work out.
Thanks, took me a bit to come up with that :P
Also, PJ has the ecobat. I wasnt kidding :P
Dunno about the meeting, even being the 'Boss' I'm no good at commencing meetings on everyones busy schedules, such would hafta be preplanned waay ahead of time. I'll PM any plans later, if ya like.